Good Design on a Budget
In partnership with DesignPhiladelphia, Shiftspace (who established Shift in 2009) is partaking in a discussion panel with Cloud Gehshan and JDavis Architecture about reconciling the seemingly opposite ideals of sustainability and "good" design.
"Good" design to us is sustainable, engaging, and researched. In our homes and in our neighborhoods, people gravitate to design that impacts them and to public spaces that provide the solace or energy that's needed. Projects that can benefit communities are regularly value-engineered to achieve a lesser impact than the original design intent. Investments in design go far - investments in good design go further.
This discussion, which is free and virtual, will center around how to overcome yielding factors, such as social, health, economic, and institutional issues. The designers will explore methods on incorporating design elements at low costs, ways to retain design intent, where to fit sustainability into the picture, and touch on some of our favorite topics: temporary public space and urban modularity. With such a diverse group of architects and designers, the conversation may veer, but regardless, it is a discussion not to be missed.
Join us virtually next Thursday, Oct 15th, from 12PM-1PM EST to discover the many ways to achieve Good Design on a budget. Click here for further details and to register.
The Diverse Panel
Cloud Gehshan is an internationally recognized environmental graphic design firm that works to intertwine the concepts of wayfinding, storytelling, and environmental branding. Their work ranges from civic to educational institutions, branding environments that are typically tough to navigate. With staff backgrounds in industrial design, graphic design and architecture, Cloud Gehshan uses well rounded collaborative design and research to achieve the best visitor experience.
SHIFTSPACE is a Philadelphia-based design studio focused on the interplay of architecture and industrial design. Led by Mario Gentile and Tim Barnes, the multidisciplinary team engages with brands, institutions, and cities to complete projects at varying scales. Their work ranges from large-scale urban interventions and creative placemaking to architecture and furniture. The studio has been blending architectural space, public art, and landscapes together with places and products (as Shift) since 2009.
JDavis connects communities through design by creating spaces that bring people, neighborhoods, cities and regions together. The firm places an emphasis on the design process, ensuring transparency on projects, working through collaborative research, empowering ideals, and encouraging flexibility. Their work primarily focuses on urban design and planning, interior design, architecture, and landscape architecture.
National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution | Cloud Gehshan